Become a Caravans For Sale PRO Business for just 99p for your first month, cancel anytime.

With 5 ads and 5 boost credits included, why not try Caravans For Sale PRO Business today?


Why choose PRO Business for your stock advertising needs?

Save with Caravans For Sale's cheapest advertising.

Gain access to our price-per-ad model, exclusive to PRO Business. Plus, with 5 free ads and 5 boost credits included in your £20 membership, it’s a no brainer.

Be trusted with PRO Business branding.

Gain credibility as buyers contact you via your PRO Business branded business profile.

25% off all add-ons.

Boost your ad to the top of search results, promote your ad in strategic positions or even become the Caravans For Sale Ad of the Week, all with a massive discount.

Why Caravans For Sale?

The best way to sell caravans, motorhomes and campervans.


Ads sold with Caravans For Sale


Seamlessly integrate with AutoTrader

Use AutoTrader or have your own website featuring your stock? Have us set up a direct feed from your site straight through to your PRO Business account.

Who is PRO Business a perfect fit for?

PRO Business is ideal for a range of leisure vehicle-related businesses seeking better sales and better value in their online stock advertising.

Caravan Dealers

The ideal fit - your job is selling caravans, and our job is advertising them to the right audience.

Motorhome Dealers

Our motorhomes for sale section is one of the busiest places on site, perfect for advertising your stock.

Campervan Dealers

With campervan popularity increasing by the year, the flexibility and value of PRO Business is ideal for your dealership.

Static Caravan Dealers

Advertise high value stock at a discount price, and don't forget 25% off all add-ons!

Caravan Park

Increase your holiday home sales, allowing for flexibility as statics and lodges become available throughout the year.


From awnings to movers, any leisure vehicle related accessories belongs on Caravans For Sale.

Simple pricing, better sales.

Choose the right solution according to your business needs.

Basic Business

£0 /month
Then £6.99 per ad listed
£20 /month
Then as little as £1.50 per ad

Leisure vehicle advertising that works for your dealership.

Scale your advertising exactly when you need to, and for a great price. 

Pay less with every ad you place, only with PRO Business.